Disarray on the road to the White House

Senator Hillary Clinton just does not seem to understand the position she is in, or maybe she does and it is merely hubris that is keeping her in the race. Pundits all across the networks have noted that if Sen. Obama had lost 11 straight primaries, he would habe left the race graciously a long time ago. But that is not the Clinton way.

Senator Obama is doing phenomenally well in his quest for the White House, and after winning 11 straight primaries they momentum does not seem to be letting up. Statisticians are putting him in a dead heat with Senator Clinton 8 days out from the primary, and he seems to have no where to go but up. The Clinton campaign’s efforts at smearing the Obama campaign are failing as even Maggie Williams can’t control the campaign or the media.

The Clinton campaign needs to fold up quietly and let the Obama campaign pull the full resources of the Democratic Party to hit hard against Senator McCain.

Just today Senator McCain told reports that, “Americans will judge my candidacy first and foremost on how they believe I can lead the country both from our economy and for national security. Obviously, Iraq will play a role in their judgment of my ability to handle national security.”  With McCain’s positions on Iraq having been clearly published in recent weeks, it is no surpirse how the Democrats should and will approach their campaign against Senator McCain.

That leaves only how quickly can the Democrats form together and move back the Clinton/Obama race. The steps for that are as follows: someone needs to tell Senator Clinton to leave, Senator Clinton leaves, Obama finds a running mate, and the race is on.

But who can tell Senator Clinton that her time is up? Columnist Robert Novak notes that Ted Kennedy, who is the clearest example of a party elder is out because of his ties to the Obama campaign, but if not the liberal lion than who?

Al Gore would be a logical choice, but his ties to the Clinton campaign in the past, and the potential bad blood between the two families could tarnish that. Nancy Pelosi? Howard Dean? Both aren’t strong enough. Regardless the Democrats need to firm up the calling committee and tell Hillary to go home.

That leaves the running mate for Senator Obama, and my money is firmly on Tim Kaine. Kathleen Sebelius would be a great choice, but I’m not sure if the Democrats feel completely comfortable running an African American and a Woman, as sad as that is. However, Tim Kaine is no second string candidate to Sebelius. He is a strong candidate with experience as a governor and a history with one of the legendary families of Virginia, by way of his wife.

The Democrats need to firm up quickly, so they can decide on a running mate for Obama and start exposing the world view of John McCain as a relic of the past.

What a beautiful night

Barack Obama has swept the Potomac Primaries with resounding victories. It’s just amazing, but it pales in comparison to the speech that he delivered tonight in Madison, WI.

Obama’s Potomac Victory Speech

Today, the change we seek swept through the Chesapeake and over the Potomac.

We won the state of Maryland. We won the Commonwealth of Virginia. And though we won in Washington D.C., this movement won’t stop until there’s change in Washington. And tonight, we’re on our way.

But we know how much farther we have to go.

We know it takes more than one night – or even one election – to overcome decades of money and the influence; bitter partisanship and petty bickering that’s shut you out, let you down and told you to settle.

We know our road will not be easy.

But we also know that at this moment the cynics can no longer say our hope is false.

We have now won east and west, north and south, and across the heartland of this country we love. We have given young people a reason to believe, and brought folks back to the polls who want to believe again. And we are bringing together Democrats and Independents and Republicans; blacks and whites; Latinos and Asians; small states and big states; Red States and Blue States into a United States of America.

This is the new American majority. This is what change looks like when it happens from the bottom up. And in this election, your voices will be heard.

Because at a time when so many people are struggling to keep up with soaring costs in a sluggish economy, we know that the status quo in Washington just won’t do. Not this time. Not this year. We can’t keep playing the same Washington game with the same Washington players and expect a different result – because it’s a game that ordinary Americans are losing.

It’s a game where lobbyists write check after check and Exxon turns record profits, while you pay the price at the pump, and our planet is put at risk. That’s what happens when lobbyists set the agenda, and that’s why they won’t drown out your voices anymore when I am President of the United States of America

It’s a game where trade deals like NAFTA ship jobs overseas and force parents to compete with their teenagers to work for minimum wage at Wal-Mart. That’s what happens when the American worker doesn’t have a voice at the negotiating table, when leaders change their positions on trade with the politics of the moment, and that’s why we need a President who will listen to Main Street – not just Wall Street; a President who will stand with workers not just when it’s easy, but when it’s hard.

It’s a game where Democrats and Republicans fail to come together year after year after year, while another mother goes without health care for her sick child. That’s why we have to put an end to the division and distraction in Washington, so that we can unite this nation around a common purpose, a higher purpose.

It’s a game where the only way for Democrats to look tough on national security is by talking, and acting and voting like Bush-McCain Republicans, while our troops are sent to fight tour after tour of duty in a war that should’ve never been authorized and should’ve never been waged. That’s what happens when we use 9/11 to scare up votes, and that’s why we need to do more than end a war – we need to end the mindset that got us into war.

That’s the choice in this primary. It’s about whether we choose to play the game, or whether we choose to end it; it’s change that polls well, or change we can believe in; it’s the past versus the future. And when I’m the Democratic nominee for President – that will be the choice in November.

John McCain is an American hero. We honor his service to our nation. But his priorities don’t address the real problems of the American people, because they are bound to the failed policies of the past.

George Bush won’t be on the ballot this November, but his war and his tax cuts for the wealthy will.

When I am the nominee, I will offer a clear choice. John McCain won’t be able to say that I ever supported this war in Iraq, because I opposed it from the beginning. Senator McCain said the other day that we might be mired for a hundred years in Iraq, which is reason enough to not give him four years in the White House.

If we had chosen a different path, the right path, we could have finished the job in Afghanistan, and put more resources into the fight against bin Laden; and instead of spending hundreds of billions of dollars in Baghdad, we could have put that money into our schools and hospitals, our road and bridges – and that’s what the American people need us to do right now.

And I admired Senator McCain when he stood up and said that it offended his “conscience” to support the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy in a time of war; that he couldn’t support a tax cut where “so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate.” But somewhere along the road to the Republican nomination, the Straight Talk Express lost its wheels, because now he’s all for them.

Well I’m not. We can’t keep spending money that we don’t have in a war that we shouldn’t have fought. We can’t keep mortgaging our children’s future on a mountain of debt. We can’t keep driving a wider and wider gap between the few who are rich and the rest who struggle to keep pace. It’s time to turn the page.

We need a new direction in this country. Everywhere I go, I meet Americans who can’t wait another day for change. They’re not just showing up to hear a speech – they need to know that politics can make a difference in their lives, that it’s not too late to reclaim the American Dream.

It’s a dream shared in big cities and small towns; across races, regions and religions – that if you work hard, you can support a family; that if you get sick, there will be health care you can afford; that you can retire with the dignity and security and respect that you have earned; that your kids can get a good education, and young people can go to college even if they’re not rich. That is our common hope. That is the American Dream.

It’s the dream of the father who goes to work before dawn and lies awake at night wondering how he’s going to pay the bills. He needs us to restore fairness to our economy by putting a tax cut into the pockets of working people, and seniors, and struggling homeowners.

It’s the dream of the woman who told me she works the night shift after a full day of college and still can’t afford health care for a sister who’s ill. She needs us to finally come together to make health care affordable and available for every American.

It’s the dream of the senior I met who lost his pension when the company he gave his life to went bankrupt. He doesn’t need bankruptcy laws that protect banks and big lenders. He needs us to protect pensions, not CEO bonuses; and to do what it takes to make sure that the American people can count on Social Security today, tomorrow and forever.

It’s the dream of the teacher who works at Dunkin Donuts after school just to make ends meet. She needs better pay, and more support, and the freedom to do more than just teach to the test. And if her students want to go on to college, they shouldn’t fear decades of debt. That’s why I’ll make college affordable with an annual $4,000 tax credit if you’re willing to do community service, or national service. We will invest in you, but we’ll ask you to invest in your country.

That is our calling in this campaign. To reaffirm that fundamental belief – I am my brother’s keeper, I am my sister’s keeper – that makes us one people, and one nation. It’s time to stand up and reach for what’s possible, because together, people who love their country can change it.

Now when I start talking like this, some folks tell me that I’ve got my head in the clouds. That I need a reality check. That we’re still offering false hope. But my own story tells me that in the United States of America, there has never been anything false about hope.

I should not be here today. I was not born into money or status. I was born to a teenage mom in Hawaii, and my dad left us when I was two. But my family gave me love, they gave me education, and most of all they gave me hope – hope that in America, no dream is beyond our grasp if we reach for it, and fight for it, and work for it.

Because hope is not blind optimism. I know how hard it will be to make these changes. I know this because I fought on the streets of Chicago as a community organizer to bring jobs to the jobless in the shadow of a shuttered steel plant. I’ve fought in the courts as a civil rights lawyer to make sure people weren’t denied their rights because of what they looked like or where they came from. I’ve fought in the legislature to take power away from lobbyists. I’ve won some of those fights, but I’ve lost some of them too. I’ve seen good legislation die because good intentions weren’t backed by a mandate for change.

The politics of hope does not mean hoping things come easy. Because nothing worthwhile in this country has ever happened unless somebody, somewhere stood up when it was hard; stood up when they were told – no you can’t, and said yes we can.

And where better to affirm our ideals than here in Wisconsin, where a century ago the progressive movement was born. It was rooted in the principle that the voices of the people can speak louder than special interests; that citizens can be connected to their government and to one another; and that all of us share a common destiny, an American Dream.

Yes we can reclaim that dream.

Yes we can heal this nation.

The voices of the American people have carried us a great distance on this improbable journey, but we have much further to go. Now we carry our message to farms and factories across this state, and to the cities and small towns of Ohio, to the open plains deep in the heart of Texas, and all the way to Democratic National Convention in Denver; it’s the same message we had when we were up, and when were down; that out of many, we are one; that our destiny will not be written for us, but by us; and that we can cast off our doubts and fears and cynicism because our dream will not be deferred; our future will not be denied; and our time for change has come.

Gore won’t endorse


CNN is reporting that former Vice President Al Gore will not endorse a candidate, preferring to moderate any discussion in the future between Senator Clinton and Obama.

The Clinton campaign can take a deep breath once again, as an endorsement from Al Gore for the Illinois Senator would hit the Clinton campaign hard.

It’s a shame, because a Gore endorsement would hopefully give some clarity to the Democratic race, as the Republican nomination fight is just about over.

Obama movement soars as the fantasy of the Clinton Era slowly slips away

Super Tuesday has come and gone, and Hillary Clinton proved much like the New England Patriots. What is the point of winning California (think perfect season) if you want win the most delegates at the end of the night?

Obama had an amazing weekend with important wins throughout the country, as he swept this weekends primaries. What does that mean for the Clinton campaign?


The Clinton campaign is bracing for the possibility that their former Vice President, Al Gore, will side with the Junior Senator from Illinois. They are scared, and they should be scared. Apart from Bill Clinton endorsing Obama over his wife the thought that the most prominent member of the Democratic movement in the 90s would endorse Obama over Mrs. Clinton is a dreadful character blow to Clinton.

What are they up against? The Obama campaign is raising an unheard amount of money from an unheard of amount of people. Clinton just isn’t.

Furthermore the Obama movement is becoming more than just political support. It is becoming a tremendous movement. Journalist Geoff Elliot notes: “Obama is part politician, part cult. Supporters wearing T-shirts with an Andy Warhol like pop-art image of his face testify to that. But then they – him – were once easy to dismiss until people realised Obama’s charisma was being matched by one of the most sophisticated ground operations ever seen. It is one that is outsmarting the Clinton machine. He’s marrying inspiration and cult with old-fashioned political grunt. ”

The Clinton campaign just does not have the same fervor. What else does the Clinton campaign have to go up against? In the small chance that Hillary wins the nomination, she may find herself without the large pool of voters that Obama was able to harness. Sen. Obama noted in a rally that while he feels that Clinton supporters would come out for him if he was the nominee, he doesn’t know if the same is true about his supporters for Clinton.

He’s right! The Clinton cult is smaller and getting smaller as the country seems to be growing weary of the bizarre tag team preformed by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton. People who were once positive they wanted Bill Clinton back in the White House now aren’t so sure.

So what is next for the Democrats?

John McCain is the heir apparent to the Republican nomination, as Mike Huckabee seems to be making a solid bid to be the Vice Presidential nominee for the Republicans. The Democrats need to have their nominee before the convention if they hope to be able to build the money and strength needed to bring the best fight against the nominee. Furthermore, the Democrats need to nominate Sen. Obama. Hillary Clinton, despite what she might say, has no hope against Sen. McCain. The credentials that she has run on throughout the Democrats primary battles will pale in comparison and for her to even utter them in a stump speech would just be embarrassing for the Democratic Party.

One hopes that after the Potomac Primaries and a few more primaries throughout the month of March, Sen. Clinton will realize she has lost the nomination fight and will bow out to give Senator Obama the time to keep building his momentum and movement, but considering the past behavior of Clinton, that cannot be assured.

Obama needs to keep winning, and pull bigger numbers to shock the Clinton campaign out of their election fantasy and back into the reality that Mrs. Clinton has no appeal to anyone except for liberals, and without the crossover appeal will have no chance of beating Senator McCain in the November election.

Also Mrs. Clinton, people have noticed you haven’t congratulated Senator Obama on his great weekend. Show some class, please?

The race for the White House firms up

Super Tuesday is only a few days away, and the constant polling is reminding us incessantly how close the Democrats are as they are going into the mother of all primary days.

But is it really all that close?

Clinton seems to be holding on, always, and holding on is all she seems to be doing.

She seems to always be on some form of the the defensive. While that seemed to help her in New Hampshire with her appeal to women who have been hurt by a man in some way, I’m not quite so sure the fears of New Hampshire women will translate into a big win on Tuesday.

For Senator Obama, the continuous push has people flocking to his candidacy. It’s amazing how people really are flocking. His fund raising totals for January recently came out, and they were phenomenal, but what has me really shocked is how people are physically coming out for Obama. Everyone wants a glimpse of the man who has promised hope and change for America. People are sick of the bizarre psychodrama that envelopes the Clintons wherever they go.

If Obama does as well as I expect, the next conversation will be running mates.

The names are already floating about: John Edwards, Kathleen Sebelius, etc. I would have to suggest Senator Jim Webb as the perfect running mate. Forget John Edwards, he doesn’t have enough widespread appeal to win anything and as sad as it is the country won’t elect a woman and an African-American on the same ticket.

The Democratic race will begin to form up after the Super Tuesday results come in.

As for Mrs. Clinton, well she certainly has no prayer in the general election. So even if she does somehow make it through the primary season and defeat Obama she will get swept in the general election. This is because the lie she has been harking on is her experience despite her lack of experience. All the Republicans need is John McCain to shoot down Clinton’s lie.

The Republican Machine is starting to form behind their candidate.

While Fmr. Governor Romney has made some surprising overtures to the Republican base, and is doing better than expected. John McCain really has claimed the high ground in the Republican race. The is important because even the Republican party is sick of the Rovian tactics that got them elected in 2000. I expect McCain to win big on Super Tuesday, and could see a formidable ticket in a McCain/Huckabee ticket. It has the sensible Republican/evangelical Republican balance that would be an attractive ticket for many Republicans throughout the spectrum.

And oh yeah, nice try John Edwards and Rudy Giuliani. Thank you for finally exiting the race. Ron Paul needs to take the hint and move out also, or maybe he will just stay in since he has no hope of a VP spot.

Big Happenings for Obama


South Carolina is over, and what a tremendous win for Barack Obama.

Obama not only beat Clinton he absolutely and completely defeated her South Carolina strategy.

So what’s next for Obama & CO?

Big Happenings. It has been leaked that the de facto leader of the Democratic Party Edward Kennedy will endorse Sen. Obama on Monday outside American University. This comes on the tail of the phenomenal op-ed written by his niece and fmr. President John Kennedy’s daughter Caroline. In one of the best pieces of political writing in the New York Times in a long while (and certainly better than their shoddy endorsement of Clinton) Caroline Kennedy wrote:

Sometimes it takes a while to recognize that someone has a special ability to get us to believe in ourselves, to tie that belief to our highest ideals and imagine that together we can do great things. In those rare moments, when such a person comes along, we need to put aside our plans and reach for what we know is possible.

We have that kind of opportunity with Senator Obama. It isn’t that the other candidates are not experienced or knowledgeable. But this year, that may not be enough. We need a change in the leadership of this country — just as we did in 1960.

It’s wonderful to see the Kennedy family taking up their leadership mantle for the Obama campaign.

What’s next for the Democrats then? Everyone is still waiting for the endorsement of Nobel Laureate/Vice President/Academy Award winner/Author/Everything else Al Gore. If Obama can nab both Kennedy and Gore, he has a blank check and the full support of the elders of the Democratic Party.

It would also be the end of the Clinton campaign. The Clinton campaign who has falsely sold themselves as the campaign of experience would be shut down by the two most experienced Democratic minds. The Clinton campaign would be castrated from the image that they are trying to sell that people should consider them experienced. If Ted Kennedy and Al Gore have no consideration for Hillary’s experience then why should the electorate?

As for the other Democrat, he is remaining in the race. Edwards campaign folk are alledging that Edwards will remain in the race until the convention. I suspect Edwards sees a VP spot for himself, but this would be the wrong move for the Obama campaign, and I hope they realize that.

Edwards really has nothing to offer the Obama campaign, and wouldn’t be able to win the Presidency in 8 years. Hopefully he will realize this, but it’s doubtful.

As for the Republicans, John McCain keeps on keeping on. Mitt Romney recently acquired the services of a Cheney, but who really cares? She worked for Fred Thompson first. The country is sick of the Bush family and is certainly sick of the Cheney family.

Rudy Giuliani still remains in the race, but I’m hoping that he drops out soon so the country doesn’t have to continue watching one of the most painful ego trips in political history.

On to Super Tuesday!

Thoughts on South Carolina and the Democrat’s identity crisis

The moment the Democrats have been waiting for is almost here. It’s the moment where they get to prove themselves in the South and see if they appeal to Southern voters. That’s right, South Carolina primary is here.

This evening the Democrats had an opportunity to debate and that debate was telling in that it revealed what the Democrats see as being the important issues for Southerners: Health Care, Immigration, and the War.

What else is new, it’s whats on everybody’s mind everywhere.

The character I was most surprised about was John Edwards. Whose side is he on? John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain? I don’t even know if he knows.

He just seems to be pandering to everyone these days. During a good portion of the debate he seemed to align to Sen. Clinton in attack Sen Obama and earlier in the week he seemed to endorse McCain as the heir apparent to the Republican nomination. Granted, Edwards endorsement would hurt McCain in the Republican race, but who does Edwards think he is anyways?

Obama gave some interesting answers during the debate. Especially in the area of Health Care in a time when the entire Democratic party is jumping on the Universal Health Care band wagon, Obama is acknowledging the limited resources of our economy, although Mrs. Clinton doesn’t seem to realize this. Clinton said during the debate tonight, “”If you don’t start out trying to get universal health care, we know — and our members of Congress know — you’ll never get there.”

It’s about time someone running says something about the limited resources in our economy, and thank you for Barack Obama for putting the focus on the children.

I am worried that Mrs. Clinton’s with us or against us attitude is what sunk the Children’s Health Care issues in the 90’s and is her problem now.

What seemed to be the most telling aspect of the debate, and the race this evening, is the Democratic party’s crisis of identity. Who exactly do they represent? Is the goal of the Democratic party to be the champion of everybody? Is that a noble goal? Is the endorsement of universal health care for undocumented/illegal immigrants going to take away health care money from legal citizens? Do the Democrats care?

I see Obama caring, but I see Edwards and Clinton getting so caught up in the party line they aren’t able to separate it from reality. The Democrats also seem to be confused over how to represent the working man/woman. I don’t see the Democrats as caring about the working man anymore, instead working on pandering to what they see the working man wanting.

The Democrats have lost touch with the reality of the middle class, especially in regards to the values voters. The race so far has shown clearly how completely the Democrats have sold out the base of their party for the minority interests in the party on values issues and tax issues.

It will be interesting to see who the conservative middle class Southern voters of South Carolina align with in the Democratic party. My bet is the non-confrontational message of Barack Obama. There is something about the observance of Barack Obama to traditional values while working for a change in Washington’s approach to it’s citizenry that I see appealing to South Carolina.

What will this mean for the Democrats?

Well I see it being a hit for John Edwards, who has billed himself as the champion of the middle class and Health care while suing the Health Care workers out of their jobs. I don’t see Edwards lasting for much longer, although I suppose that has been said for a while. Edwards said during the debate, “I also want to know on behalf of voters in South Carolina, how many children are going to get health care because of this? We have got to understand that this is not about us personally.”

My question would be, how many children’s parents had trouble receiving adequate obstetric care in North Carolina due to your practicing malpractice law?

Mrs. Clinton still seems to hold to the party line all the while continuing to attract the women all around the country. I suppose it would be safe to say that Sen. Clinton has a while left in the race, although I don’t see her faring well on Super Tuesday.

Just some thoughts…

On Ron Paul


Enough is enough Ron.

Enough is enough Ron Paul followers.

The man is crazy. All of this talk about this newsletter just confirms what everybody already knew…Ron Paul went off the deep end a long time ago. There are the cries in his defense that he did not write it. Well then there is something disturbing about a man who can’t control racists publishing under his name.
So Ron my advice is…go back to being a doctor.

As for Ron Paul supporters. I understand the thinking behind supporting a candidate you agree with But honestly, why do you support Ron Paul? Do you know anything past his view on Iraq? I have listened to enough college students that love Dr. Paul solely for his view on Iraq. Why do you support Ron Paul?

In my opinion Ron Paul belongs teaching at a college campus. His ideas are novel and worth publishing but don’t transfer into any sort of reality.

For instance, does returning to a gold standard actually make sense to you?

If you responded yes…are you serious? Have you ever read the Wall Street Journal or took an economics class? The world has gotten to large and too interconnected to be able to reasonably support a gold standard. It is a standard of the past, and should be kept there. The world cannot go back to the gold standard, and the only time it is ever mentioned anymore is by crazy professors who publish and get laughed at.

Next, where are the outcries over his being pro-life?

Lastly, Ron Paul has a fundamentalist view of the constitution, with no understand that it is a living document, and that it wasn’t frozen in the 1700s. The constitution is meant to change and meant to be interpreted

Come on America, think.

If you believe you have, please tell me why you support Ron Paul. I really don’t understand and want to know.

Congressman calls for impeachment

Congressman Robert Wexler of Florida called for the impeachment of Vice-President Dick Cheney last night. Wexley has gathered 190,000 signatures in support of his measure to impeach Cheney. Last night he said:

Tomorrow, I will deliver these names to my colleagues on the Judiciary Committee with a letter to my friend, Chairman Conyers, calling for hearings. I will ask my colleagues to sign this letter … Continuing every day for months, I will publish in the Congressional Record several thousand names of supporters who signed up. History demands that we take action, because the case against Vice prsident Cheney is far strong than th illegality surrounding Watergate.

Wexler went on to say that, “In the history of our nation, we have never encountered a moment where the actions of a President or a Vice President have more strongly demanded the use of the power of impeachment.Interesting happenings for the House of Representatives.

It will be interesting to see how Conyers and Cheney respond to this request.

Below is a video from Rep. Wexler…

Primary Predictions….up to Super Tuesday

Congratulations Mitt Romney! You finally got a big one…even if your father was governor in the state.

John McCain, don’t worry. You’re still fine. Losing because of nepotism again must hurt, but fear not. You are going to do well Super Tuesday.

Here are my predictions for the Primary Season up to Super Tuesday

South Carolina- Congrats to Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee, I think you’re going to win it. Although John McCain, you may still have a chance in South Carolina…keep going strong.

Florida- Rudy Giuliani will not win here. I don’t care how much he is trying. It just will not happen. As for who will win. I think John McCain. The Democrats need to work out the legal issues of the Florida primary before I will comment on the primary.

Nevada- Obama wins, and the Clinton campaign takes a big hit in losing their ally, Harry Reid’s, state. Sign of things to come?

Louisiana- A close race between Huckabee and McCain

Maine- McCain wins here, but it’s close. Maybe a second place for Thompson. Not that it matters.


Alabama- Huckabee/Edwards

Alaska- McCain/Clinton

Arizona- McCain/Obama



Colorado- McCain/Obama

Connecticut- McCain/Clinton

Delaware- Romney/Clinton

Georgia- Huckabee/Obama

Idaho- Huckabee/Obama

Illinois- McCain/Obama…congrats to Obama on winning your home state

Kansas- Huckabee/Clinton


Minnesota- Romney/Clinton

Missouri- McCain/Obama

New Jersey- Romney/Clinton

New Mexico- McCain/Obama

New York- Romney/Obama…Clinton loses her home state and possible her Senate seat.
Oklahoma- Huckabee/Obama

Tennessee- Huckabee/Obama…sorry Fred. Tennessee knows how worthless you are.

Utah- Romney/Clinton…Romney clenches the Mormon vote, anybody surprised?

My post super Tuesday expectations: Well, I think we are definitley going to have some front runners. I don’t see Edwards being around past Super Tuesday. Either money will dry up or he will get the message. Clinton will take a big hit but will probably stay in the race for a month or two longer. Obama will have a big day on Feb. 5th and will continue towards the nomination. Start thinking of a GREAT VP. A Republican would be an interesting choice.

For the Republicans. It’ll be tight between Huckabee and McCain. Romney won’t be around for too much longer. Maybe he can move to Utah and become a governor there. Fred Thompson will be gone, and not a moment too soon. I think Giuliani will be gone after his Florida intensive strategy blows up in his face and he sees how everybody thinks he is a weird and unlikable guy. A McCain/Huckabee ticket would be a formidable option, with McCain only staying in for one term. 

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